Check out 50 Harrison Ford Quotes today.
50 Best Harrison Ford Quotes
1. “My goal was just to work regularly. I didn’t ever expect to be rich or famous. I wanted to be a working character actor.” – Harrison Ford

2. “Everything I do, I’m sort of half in, half out.” – Harrison Ford

3. “Behind every great man is a woman. Telling him he’s not so hot.” – Harrison Ford

4. “Why do I ask for directions? Because I hate wasting time.” – Harrison Ford

5. “You have to have the darkness for the dawn to come.” – Harrison Ford

6. “Wood burns faster when you have to cut and chop it yourself.” – Harrison Ford

7. “The Force is within you. Force yourself.” – Harrison Ford

8. “You know you’re getting old when all the names in your black book have M. D. after them.” – Harrison Ford
9. “Whoever had the bright idea of putting Indiana Jones in a leather jacket and a fedora in the jungle ought to be dragged into the street and shot.” – Harrison Ford
10. “I get mad when people call me an action movie star. Indiana Jones is an adventure film, a comic book, a fantasy.” – Harrison Ford
11. “Our health relies entirely on the vitality of our fellow species on Earth.” – Harrison Ford
12. “I’m like old shoes. I’ve never been hip. I think the reason I’m still here is that I was never enough in fashion that I had to be replaced by something new.” – Harrison Ford
13. “I’ve always wanted to be bald. I mean it, completely bald. Wouldn’t it be great to be bald in the rain?” – Harrison Ford
14. “I’m still interested in perfecting whatever talents I have and continuing to grow as an actor and continuing to be useful to the telling of the story.” – Harrison Ford
15. “What I observed about my fellow actors was that most gave up very easily.” – Harrison Ford
16. “Failures are inevitable. Unfortunately, in film they live forever and they’re 40 ft wide and 20 ft high.” – Harrison Ford
17. “I like working. It is where I feel useful. I have no plans to cut down. I am happy with what I do. There will be a lot more of me yet, that’s for sure.” – Harrison Ford
18. “If you’re asking me to acknowledge that I’ve gotten older, I can do that.” – Harrison Ford
19. “I continue to develop some things for myself and also take advantage of good parts as they come along.” – Harrison Ford
20. “The third time you say a thing it sounds like a lie.” – Harrison Ford
21. “The best movies are made from a point of view of an understanding of human nature.” – Harrison Ford
22. “There’s no independent satisfaction without the success of the film itself. The feel that you have done the best you can to support the film.” – Harrison Ford
23. “Before, I was grateful for a job, almost any job. Now, I’m apprehensive but I know I have other options, and when I ask for the money, they pay it. It’s that simple.” – Harrison Ford
24. “Starring in a science-fiction film doesn’t mean you have to act science fiction.” – Harrison Ford
25. “My character is meant to know nothing about rap, and not to like it very much, but I know about it, because my kids make me listen to it. There’s some rap I do like very much.” – Harrison Ford
26. “I need a challenge. I need the intellectual stimulation. I’m a member of a community on each film, working in concert to try to bring an idea to life. It’s a great job.” – Harrison Ford
27. “Work hard and figure out how to be useful and don’t try to imitate anybody else’s success. Figure out how to do it for yourself with yourself.” – Harrison Ford
28. “‘May the Force be with you’ is charming but it’s not important. What’s important is that you become the Force for yourself and perhaps for other people.” – Harrison Ford
29. “We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance.” – Harrison Ford
30. “You have to have a darkness for the dawn to come. You have to have experienced difficulties and challenges to fully appreciate and be grateful for success.” – Harrison Ford
31. “I realized early on that success was tied to not giving up.” – Harrison Ford
32. “Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.” – Harrison Ford
33. “Money is really only important if you don’t have any.” – Harrison Ford
34. “I wanted to live the life, a different life. I didn’t want to go to the same place every day and see the same people and do the same job. I wanted interesting challenges.” – Harrison Ford
35. “Am I grumpy? I might be. But I think maybe sometimes it’s misinterpreted.” – Harrison Ford
36. “You keep on going until you get it as close to being right as the time and patience of others will allow.” – Harrison Ford
37. “Some actors couldn’t figure out how to withstand the constant rejection. They couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.” – Harrison Ford
38. “To me, success is choice and opportunity.” – Harrison Ford
39. “If I were a serious person, I’d probably have a real job.” – Harrison Ford
40. “If you’re going to define me properly, you must think in terms of my failures as well as my successes.” – Harrison Ford
41. “You may get real tired watching me, but I’m not going to quit.” – Harrison Ford
42. “There’s a real simple analogy. You have to perceive it from the ground up. You have to lay a firm foundation, then every step becomes part of a logical process.” – Harrison Ford
43. “It’s always nice to anticipate working in something that you know people will have an appetite for.” – Harrison Ford
44. “I don’t want to be a movie star. I want to be in movies that are stars.” – Harrison Ford
45. “You know how a woman gets a man excited? She shows up.” – Harrison Ford
46. “It’s not the years honey, it’s the mileage.” – Harrison Ford
47. “I am not the first man who wanted to make changes in his life at 60 and I won’t be the last. It is just that others can do it with anonymity.” – Harrison Ford
48. “I’m like old shoes, I’ve never been hip.” – Harrison Ford
49. “I don’t think I’ve mastered anything. I’m still wrestling with the same frustrations, the same issues, the same problems as I always did. That’s what life is like.” – Harrison Ford
50. “Really, what are the options? Levi’s or Wranglers. And you just pick one. It’s one of those life choices.” – Harrison Ford
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