Check out 30 Jim Carrey Quotes today.
30 Best Jim Carrey Quotes
1. “A better you means a better universe.” – Jim Carrey

2. “Usually you regret the things you say no to.” – Jim Carrey

3. “Ever since I started to get the recognition I’ve picked out certain fans and reverse-stalked them.” – Jim Carrey
4. “What’s yours? How will you serve the world? What do they need that your talent can provide? That’s all you have to figure out.” – Jim Carrey

5. “I really believe in the philosophy that you create your own universe. I’m just trying to create a good one for myself.” – Jim Carrey

6. “I don’t hate you for loving you. I just hate my heart for choosing someone like you.” – Jim Carrey
7. “I wake up some mornings and sit and have my coffee and look out at my beautiful garden, and I go, ‘Remember how good this is. Because you can lose it.’” – Jim Carrey

8. “Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them.” – Jim Carrey

9. “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.” – Jim Carrey

10. “Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.” – Jim Carrey

11. “Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up & turn toward the light & that makes them beautiful.” – Jim Carrey
12. “Hope walks through the fire. Faith leaps over it.” – Jim Carrey
13. “The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.” – Jim Carrey
14. “Our love is like a red, red rose… and I am a little thorny.” – Jim Carrey
15. “You might as well take a chance on doing what you love.” – Jim Carrey
16. “I don’t believe in bad people. I believe that people, somewhere inside, have the potential to realize themselves.” – Jim Carrey
17. “Compassion is the currency that leads to true wealth.” – Jim Carrey
18. “So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality.” – Jim Carrey
19. “You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world.” – Jim Carrey
20. “I’ve always believed that you can funnel good things toward yourself by thinking positively.” – Jim Carrey
21. “If you give up on your dreams, what’s left?” – Jim Carrey
22. “I wish everyone could experience being rich and famous, so they’d see it wasn’t the answer to anything.” – Jim Carrey
23. “If you aren’t in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.” – Jim Carrey
24. “One thing I hope I’ll never be is drunk with my own power. And anybody who says I am will never work in this town again.” – Jim Carrey
25. “Fear is going to be a player in your life, but you get to decide how much.” – Jim Carrey
26. “Madness is never that far away. It’s as close as saying yes to the wrong impulse.” – Jim Carrey
27. “150 people die every year from being hit by falling coconuts. Not to worry, drug makers are developing a vaccine.” – Jim Carrey
28. “I have no limits! I cannot be contained because I’m the container.” – Jim Carrey
29. “You know the trouble with real life? There’s no danger music.” – Jim Carrey
30. “People need motivation to do anything. I don’t think human beings learn anything without desperation.” – Jim Carrey
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