Check out 40 The Kendrick Lamar Quotes today.
40 Best Kendrick Lamar Quotes
1. “So the next time you feel like the world’s about to end, I hope you studied, because he’s testing your faith again.” – Kendrick Lamar

2. “We’re all human at the end of the day, making mistakes. But learning from them is key.” – Kendrick Lamar

3. “If I speak the good into existence, that instant my dreams will unlock, money flow like water, I’ll just wait at the dock.” – Kendrick Lamar

4. “I’d rather not live like there isn’t a god, then die and find out there really is. Think about it.” – Kendrick Lamar

5. “Everyday I try to escape the realities of this world.” – Kendrick Lamar

6. “Tough times don’t last but tough people do.” – Kendrick Lamar

7. “I learned, when I look in the mirror and tell my story, that I should be myself and not peep whatever everybody is doing.” – Kendrick Lamar

8. “I look at where I’m at today and realize that most of my success is owed to the mentors that was in my life.” – Kendrick Lamar

9. “Love is not just a verb. It’s you looking in the mirror.” – Kendrick Lamar

10. “Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they’ll notice. If they don’t, you know where they stand.” – Kendrick Lamar

11. “Maybe because I’m a dreamer and sleep is the cousin of death.” – Kendrick Lamar
12. “Look inside my soul and you can find gold maybe get rich. Look inside of your should and you can find out it never exists.” – Kendrick Lamar
13. “I don’t want to be something that just comes and goes.” – Kendrick Lamar
14. “I live this life at a pace that anyone can go, know your place and dedicate your role, to the faith that you’ll die alone.” – Kendrick Lamar
15. “Consequences from evil will make your past haunt you.” – Kendrick Lamar
16. “I’m only as good as my last word, my last hook, my last bridge.” – Kendrick Lamar
17. “Talk about it. Make em talk about it. Life to me is currency, prosperity I got it.” – Kendrick Lamar
18. “The worst part of success is, to me, adapting to it. It’s scary.” – Kendrick Lamar
19. “It’s easy to forget who you are.” – Kendrick Lamar
20. “Take advantage. Do your best, don’t stress. You was granted everything inside this planet, anything you imagine, you possess.” – Kendrick Lamar
21. “Being able to tell one from start to finish, and making that puzzle come together at the end. That’s the art for me.” – Kendrick Lamar
22. “I walk alone with a cross and a diamond stone. I’m a diamond inside the rough, that’s too mighty for maricons.” – Kendrick Lamar
23. “It’s a great, great experience to finally get the reception that you know you rightfully deserve” – Kendrick Lamar
24. “But what love go to do with it when you don’t love yourself?” – Kendrick Lamar
25. “Don’t wait until it’s too late, you might not get another chance.” – Kendrick Lamar
26. “Forgiving is easy. Trusting again, not so much.” – Kendrick Lamar
27. “When you give up it means you never wanted it.” – Kendrick Lamar
28. “Don’t you know your imperfections is a wonderful blessing.” – Kendrick Lamar
29. “You can’t have people listen to you unless you come to their world and then bring them to yours.” – Kendrick Lamar
30. “I can’t change the world until I change myself first.” – Kendrick Lamar
31. “Live your life, live it right. Be different, do different things.” – Kendrick Lamar
32. “I ain’t a drinker I’m a thinker, call it what you want.” – Kendrick Lamar
33. “People gonna be they own individuals and have they own worlds and I can’t knock it.” – Kendrick Lamar
34. “Eventually you get to this point where you understand what you want to do.” – Kendrick Lamar
35. “Don’t say one thing then do another.” – Kendrick Lamar
36. “Life will put many red lights in front of you, but sometimes we must push on the gas and trust god.” – Kendrick Lamar
37. “I was a black sheep, but now I’m just a goat.” – Kendrick Lamar
38. “We all get distracted, the question is, would you bounce back or bounce backwards?” – Kendrick Lamar
39. “Since day one, since they first time I touched the pen, I wanted to be the best at what I do.” – Kendrick Lamar
40. “Although the butterfly and the caterpillar are completely different, they are one and the same.” – Kendrick Lamar
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