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50 Best Strong Quotes

1. “It is worth remembering that the time of greatest gain in terms of wisdom and inner strength is often that of greatest difficulty.” – Dalai Lama
2. “With clarity, perseverance and grit, anything is possible.” – Avinash VS
3. “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” – T.S Eliot
4. “Never regret anything that made you smile.” – Mark Twain
5. “Everything you can imagine is real.” – Pablo Picasso
6. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

7. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” – Mahatma Gandhi
8. “What we think, we become.” – Buddha
9. “All limitations are self-imposed.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes
10. “Tough times never last but tough people do.” – Robert H. Schiuller
11. “Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.” – Robert H. Schiuller
12. “One day the people that don’t even believe in you will tell everyone how they met you.” – Johnny Depp

13. “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” – Dale Carnegie
14. “If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.” – Mark Twain
15. “Have enough courage to start and enough heart to finish.” – Jessica N. S. Yourko
16. “Hate comes from intimidation, love comes from appreciation.” – Tyga
17. “I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong.” – Harvey Specter
18. “Oh, the things you can find, if you don’t stay behind.” – Dr. Seuss

19. “I have no regrets in my life. I think that everything happens to you for a reason. The hard times that you go through build character, making you a much stronger person.” – Rita Mero
20. “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” – Steve Martin
21. “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.” – James Dean
22. “Yesterday you said tomorrow. Just do it.” – Nike
23. “I don’t need it to be easy, I need it to be worth it.” – Lil Wayne
24. “Never let your emotions overpower your intelligence.” – Drake
25. “Pain makes you stronger. Tears make you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser. And vodka makes you not remember any of that crap.” – Nishan Panwar
26. “Don’t you know your imperfections is a blessing?.” – Kendrick Lamar
27. “Reality is wrong, dreams are for real.” – Tupac
28. “To live will be an awfully big adventure.” – Peter Pan
29. “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou
30. “There is no substitute for hard work.” – Thomas Edison

31. “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
32. “Strive for greatness.” – Lebron James
33. “Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.” – Kurt Cobain
34. “The time is always right to do what is right.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
35. “Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” – Rumi
36. “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” – Nelson Mandela

37. “You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.” – James A. Froude
38. “White is not always light and black is not always dark.” – Habeeb Akande
39. “Life becomes easier when you learn to accept the apology you never got.” – R. Brault
40. “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” – Aristotle
41. “Love For All, Hatred For None.” – Khalifatul Masih III
42. “Whatever you do, do it well.” – Walt Disney

43. “Sometimes you don’t realize your own strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness.” – Susan Gale
44. “Determine your priorities and focus on them.” – Eileen McDargh
45. “Nothing lasts forever but at least we got these memories.” – J. Cole

46. “Rule your mind or it will rule you.” – Horace
47. “A happy soul is the best shield for a cruel world.” – Atticus
48. “If I’m gonna tell a real story, I’m gonna start with my name.” – Kendrick Lamar

49. “I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. It’s because of them I’m doing it myself.” – Albert Einstein
50. “What consumes your mind controls your life.” – Oprah Winfrey
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