Check out 35 Trevor Noah Quotes today.
35 Best Trevor Noah Quotes
1. “A dog is a great thing for a kid to have. It’s like a bicycle but with emotions.” – Trevor Noah

2. “Comedy is a great tool. We are trying to find ways to use humor to enlighten people without preaching to them.” – Trevor Noah

3. “Often, people who can do, don’t because they’re afraid of what people that can’t do will say about them doing.” – Trevor Noah

4. “A knowledgeable man is a free man, or at least a man who longs for freedom.” – Trevor Noah

5. “I saw, more than anything, that relationships are not sustained by violence but by love.” – Trevor Noah

6. “As the outsider, you can retreat into a shell, be anonymous, be invisible. Or you can go the other way. You protect yourself by opening up.” – Trevor Noah

7. “You separate people into groups and make them hate one another so you can run them all.” – Trevor Noah

8. “Part of the effort to divide black people was to make sure we were separated not just physically but by language as well.” – Trevor Noah

9. “Black people’s dogs don’t play fetch; you don’t throw anything to a black person’s dog unless it’s food.” – Trevor Noah
10. “The hood has a gravitational pull. It never leaves you behind, but it also never lets you leave.” – Trevor Noah

11. “The credits from the second ‘Godfather’ are better than ‘Godfather III’.” – Trevor Noah
12. “If this comedy thing doesn’t work out, I’ve always got poverty to fall back on.” – Trevor Noah
13. “In life only three things are certain death, Adobe updates, and taxes.” – Trevor Noah
14. “I was the first in my family to board an airplane. I was the first in my family to get kicked off an airplane.” – Trevor Noah
15. “I don’t know how to let loose when I’m dancing to the music and the people that made that music are watching me. I’ve never felt so much pressure in life.” – Trevor Noah
16. “I’m not a big Hollywood guy. I don’t know how the machine works. I leave that to people better than myself.” – Trevor Noah
17. “Growing up the way I did, I learned how easy it is for white people to get comfortable with a system that awards them all the perks.” – Trevor Noah
18. “For my mother. My first fan. Thank you for making me a man.” – Trevor Noah
19. “In any society built on institutionalized racism, race-mixing doesn’t merely challenge the system as unjust, it reveals the system as unsustainable and incoherent.” – Trevor Noah
20. “If you stop to consider the ramifications, you’ll never do anything.” – Trevor Noah
21. “You cannot blame anyone else for what you do. You cannot blame your past for who you are. You are responsible for you.” – Trevor Noah
22. “I was wanted. Being chosen is the greatest gift you can give to another human being.” – Trevor Noah
23. “If you spoke to me in Zulu, I replied to you in Zulu. If you spoke to me in Tswana, I replied to you in Tswana. Maybe I didn’t look like you, but if I spoke like you, I was you.” – Trevor Noah
24. “We live in a world where we don’t see the ramifications of what we do to others because we don’t live with them.” – Trevor Noah
25. “In America, the dream is to make it out of the ghetto. In Soweto, because there was no leaving the ghetto, the dream was to transform the ghetto.” – Trevor Noah
26. “Racism teaches us that we are different because of the color of our skin. But because racism is stupid, it’s easily tricked.” – Trevor Noah
27. “A kid cannot dream of being an astronaut if he does not know about space.” – Trevor Noah
28. “Whilst my mother couldn’t give me access to the world, she at least made sure to let me know it existed.” – Trevor Noah
29. “You want to live in a world where someone is good or bad. Where you either hate them or love them. But that’s not how people are.” – Trevor Noah
30. “Language, even more than color, defines who you are to people.” – Trevor Noah
31. “Language brings with it an identity and a culture, or at least the perception of it. A shared language says ‘we’re the same.’ A language barrier says ‘we’re different.'” – Trevor Noah
32. “Comfort can be dangerous. Comfort provides a floor but also a ceiling.” – Trevor Noah
33. “I’ve never been afraid to fall in love, nor impatient to find it.” – Trevor Noah
34. “I always believe that funny is serious and serious is funny. You don’t really need a distinction between them.” – Trevor Noah
35. “If you laugh with somebody, then you know you share something.” – Trevor Noah
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